Indian Mattress market is valued at $2.41 Bn with an 8.50% projected growth. Seize growth opportunities & elevate your position - Be a part of the industry epicenter at INDIA MATTRESSTECH & UPHOLSTERY SUPPLIES EXPO 2024

Indian mattress industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.18% between 2023-27 while India Upholstered Furniture Market is expected to grow at 7% over the next 5 years.


Factors for the growing Indian market

  • Family nuclearization
  • Increasing health awareness
  • Upgrading of sleep and home office post pandemic
  • Demand for quality mattress
  • Adoption of smart & eco-friendly material
  • Tech driven new entrants
  • Customization
  • D2C e-commerce adoption

Market share of unorganized players is expected to drop drastically in coming years. In FY19, in the $1.7 billion mattress market, Branded mattress had a share of 35% and unbranded 65%. By FY24, in an estimated market of $2.8 billion market, Branded mattress market share will increase to 40% while Unbranded or unorganized share will drop to 60%.

Organized sector is growing with rising demand of good quality mattresses among Indian consumers. Nowadays, consumers have even started buying from international brands because of their high quality and contemporary products. In India, organized players sell mattresses through two mediums, one is offline and the other is online. Offline mattress market consists of retail sales of mattresses from dealers/distributors or own franchised stores. On the other hand, online mattress market consists of sales which occur through e-commerce websites like Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal, FabFurnish, Urban Ladder etc. or company's own personalized website.